Midsummer Coast, Hedgerow and Woodland Foraging Walk with Wild Food Picnic 1, Galloway


Saturday, 21 June 2025
13.00 - 18.00

A guided foray exploring delicious and healthy midsummer wild foods of Galloway’s coast, hedgerows and woods.  Enjoy a wild food tasting picnic in a beautiful location afterwards. Gift vouchers are available for this event.


12 place(s) available


A guided foray exploring delicious and healthy wild foods of Galloway’s merse (tidal salt marsh), beaches,  maritime hedgerows and woods. Includes a wild food tasting picnic in a beautiful location.

You will learn about many of the herbs in this photo,  Image ©GallowayWildFoods.com

The coast is full of great flavours and nourishment and many maritime plants are at their best around midsummer. This event is designed to help you connect with them and incorporate them into your diet. Over the course of about 1.5 miles of  walking over 3.5 hours we will explore a wide range of  wild foods of salt marsh, sandy beach, woods and hedgerows in an exceptionally beautiful area of Galloway.  Novices and experienced foragers looking to increase their repertoire will enjoy this event.

Sea sandwort. ©GallowayWildFoods.com

Family friendly – 1.5 miles easy walking for all ages. Stout footwear is recommended as we will be exploring salt marsh plants. As with all Galloway Wild Foods events, this walk is guided by Mark Williams who has been teaching about foraging for over 30 years.

“A massive thank you to you for the coastal forage event. I’ve been on a few forages and this was way the best one. I loved your enthusiasm, your generosity with sharing information, the fact that you gave us food and drink from the moment we started, throughout the event and a wonderful picnic at the end. It really was absolutely delicious. It was absolutely wonderful afternoon, and I felt on quite a high afterwards (what was in those drinks?!). I’ve been telling all my friends…” – Danielle, Coastal Foraging Walk attendee

Read – Watch – Listen to more about Mark’s Foraging Events

Sea Arrowgrass Spears

Meeting place:  Coast near Gatehouse of Fleet, Galloway. Ticket holders will be notified of our exact meeting place by email in approximately 3 days before the event. Information on visiting Galloway can be found here.

Expect: Up to 1.5 miles gentle walking, on salt marsh, sandy beach and well made paths, over about about 3.5 hours, with a wild food picnic and interpretation session afterwards. I will bring a pre-packed wild food tasting picnic with lots of treats, tasters and tipples for you to enjoy on the beach at the end of the walk in beautiful spot. All dietary requirements can be catered for and can be added when you book.

Learn: Coastal succulent plants of the salt marsh/merse, rocky shore and sandy beach; and herbs and blossoms of summer woods and hedgerows.  We may also encounter some interesting summer fungi. Seaweeds are not a significant feature of this walk. Finding, identification, poisonous lookalikes, mindful harvesting, expert tips, folklore/traditional uses, modern gourmet/medicinal uses, nutrition, processing, recipes, cooking tips.

Foraging succulent coastal plants on the salt marsh

Eat/drink: I think it is important to bring the wild foods we encounter to life by not just talking about them, but by eating and drinking them as we learn, so I come with a hefty bag of lovingly prepared treats and tasters to share throughout the walk.  These are not only tasty, but serve to illustrate how to use the wild foods we are exploring. At the end of the walk we will enjoy a wild food tasting picnic, comprising dozens of lovingly foraged and prepared treats served in your own bento box. All dietary requirements can be catered for, and these can be noted when booking.

Wild bento box, served on Galloway Wild Foods events. Typically these include 30 to 40 different locally foraged ingredients that illuminate what we have explored on the guided walk. Expect savoury tart, sushi, pickles, ferments, edible flowers, seaweed snacks, salads, wild seed cake and lots more!


Essential: Footwear that you don’t mind getting muddy. Wellies or walking boots on wet days, or an old pair of trainers on warm days (if you are happy to have wet feet) , weather-appropriate clothing, drinking water

Optional: A small basket or cloth bag, notebook, camera, fungi field guide if you have one.

Please note: This event is not recommend for children under 8 years old.

Marsh samphire

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