The Blusher – Edibility, Identification, Distribution
June 27, 2012
A very common mushroom that is edible with appropriate preparation, but can easily be confused with toxic species
A very common mushroom that is edible with appropriate preparation, but can easily be confused with toxic species
An easily identified bracket fungi of summer and autumn that makes good eating when young and tender
A horse mushroom in its prime is a thing of great beauty and superb flavour. It also has the curious dual distinction of being commonly misidentified and widely underrated.
Sweet cicely offers many sensual pleasures to the forager. There is an ampleness and generosity in her growth that is pleasing to the eye – seldom taller than a metre or so, but always appearing substantial without being solid. Despite being a member of the often scary carrot family, this gorgeous plant is one I recommend to novice foragers.
The pungency of garlic mustard isn’t to all tastes. It took me a couple of seasons of uncertain nibbling to come round to its charms. Now i’m hooked and no spring walk seems complete without its rich and vibrants flavour.