Salted Pickled Wild Garlic Buds
March 12, 2020
Of the very many delicious things you can do with wild garlic, this is possibly my favourite. Its a simple preparation but you can jazz it up with some wild aromatics in the pickling solution.
Of the very many delicious things you can do with wild garlic, this is possibly my favourite. Its a simple preparation but you can jazz it up with some wild aromatics in the pickling solution.
An introduction to several key members of the allium family for foragers – their identification, distribution, mindful harvesting, dangerous look-alikes, nutritional properties and cooking/preservation techniques.
I’m sure many people already make pesto with wild garlic. The internet is awash with recipes, and really doesn’t need yet another. But I get asked a lot by people on my guided walks for my recipe that i’ve tweaked and refined down the years using only Scottish ingredients, so I thought it was time to share…
If you come across a plant that reminds you of wild garlic, but has narrower leaves and less of a garlic smell, you may have found wild leeks. These aren’t the hulking great Frankenstein leeks you might expect to find in shops and gardens, but something tender and elegant…
A step-by-step guide to how to lacto-ferment wild greens, especially wild garlic and wild leeks. Includes trouble-shooting tips and what to do with your ferments once they are made.