Sea Sandwort – Identification, Edibility, Distribution, Ecology, Sustainable Harvesting, Recipes
April 7, 2022
A very common, easy to identify, delicious succulent coastal plant that grows just above the high tide line on sand and shingle beaches.
A very common, easy to identify, delicious succulent coastal plant that grows just above the high tide line on sand and shingle beaches.
An abundant, easy-to-recognise, delicious, nutritious coastal green that is available for much of the year.
Short Video: An unusual combination of a very low tide coinciding with unusually low temperatures was a small disaster for molluscs, but great gift to sea birds. I made this short video of the aftermath.
I get a little troubled by the excess of sous vide cooking in modern gastronomy. Do we really want so much of our food to be swaddled in plastic? Why not instead use the natural seasoning, umami-giving, nutrient-rich and moisture retaining properties of seaweeds?
All you need to know to get you started foraging for edible seaweeds. Includes distribution charts, nutritional information, harvesting strategies, recipe ideas and an in depth guide to the most rewarding species.