Super Simple Nettle Soup, with some even wilder suggestions
April 2, 2020
Nettle soup is a forager’s classic. Rich, delicious and deeply nutritious. This recipe is wonderfully simple, but I suggest some extra wild options that make it even better.
Nettle soup is a forager’s classic. Rich, delicious and deeply nutritious. This recipe is wonderfully simple, but I suggest some extra wild options that make it even better.
Its a mistake to think nettles are only delicious as a super-nutritious savoury food. You can be naughty with them too. I highly recommend making syrups and cordials with them, to make quenching soft drinks in summer, or as a sophisticated addition to cocktails.
The blossoms and young leaves of flowering currant come right near the top of my early spring not-to-be-missed delicious list.
Of the very many delicious things you can do with wild garlic, this is possibly my favourite. Its a simple preparation but you can jazz it up with some wild aromatics in the pickling solution.
Some ideas on how to responsibly connect with wild plants during the Corona Virus lockdown, including helpful weeds you can find in gardens or any green space.