Sea spaghetti – Identification, Edibility, Distribution

A very distinctive and tasty seaweed – up to 2m long yellowy brown spaghetti-like fronds, dividing near the base, growing from small, button-like holdfasts.
A very distinctive and tasty seaweed – up to 2m long yellowy brown spaghetti-like fronds, dividing near the base, growing from small, button-like holdfasts.
Caragheen is not a seaweed to eat in the conventional sense – its far too tough, even when cooked. But once heated in water it exudes a gelatinous flavourless substance that can be used to thicken soups and stews, or in higher concentrations, set jellies or panna cottas. It also can be boiled with other flavourings to make a rich, nourishing tea…
This is a wonderful seaweed that is quite easy to find in the right habitat…
Sea lettuce is pleasant if unspectacular fresh, becoming truly delicious when dried – with a rich deep flavour…
Though not strong in flavour, dulse is one of the stars of the seaweed world – a clinically proven antioxidant and source of protein, potassium and iodine, making it an excellent treatment for hypothyroid problems…